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Your Page!

The artist artist

You have to attend their latest exhibition about their time in [INSERT CITY NAME HERE]

Not interested in painting something for your living room

Has a stack of Strathmore sketchbooks for each medium in all sizes

Your Page!

Typography buff but sticks to the same 4 classic fonts they’re comfortable with

Waiting for the day they add a “just make the design pop more” button to the Adobe Suite

Lots of clothes with geometric patterns and earth tones

Judges you for using Canva

Your Page!

Loves an all-black ensemble

Hard drives on hard drives on hard drives

Has a shelf full of cameras and on uses the two in the camera bag

Wholly devoted to one established camera brand with strong feelings about the other

Your Page!

Always caught between having a lot of ideas and no motivation and feeling motivated but having no ideas

Spends more time having to promote their art on social media than actually making it

Sketchbooks full of “works in progress” they’ll never revisit

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